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    What's New?

    The 2025 ICLHE East Asia Symposium took place on 25th January, 2025 at Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan. There were 19 enthusiastic attendees who were eager to discuss new EMI developments.

    More details below

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    About Us

    We are the East Asia Regional Group of the ICLHE Association. Our objective is to enhance collaboration amongst professionals based in East Asia interested in the integration of content and language in higher education

    ICLHE East Asia

    2024 Symposium

    The 2024 ICLHE East Asia Symposium took place on 20th April at the University of Niigata Prefecture. The event saw a dynamic exchange of ideas among 19 onsite attendees and several members who joined virtually

  • Member News

    Recent publications, projects, and presentations by members of ICLHE East Asia


    If you have member news that you'd like to share, please contact us

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    New Book Chapter

    Annette Bradford has a book chapter titled "Japanese Women Professors Traversing Internaitonalized Classroom Worlds" in a new volume about how affective factors mediate EMI edited by David Lasagabaster, Alberto Fernández-Costales, and Flor de Lis González-Mujico.


    ICLHE East Asia Coordinator, Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo, was recently interviewed by Julie Walaszczyk as she joined the ICLHE Assocation board.

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    Book Chapter

    Howard Brown and Annette Bradford recently published a chaper titled "From Dejima to Sustainable Enclaves of Internationalization: Reframing English-Medium Instruction Programs in Japan" in the volume "Contemporary Perspectives on English as a Medium of Instruction", edited by Hayriye Kayi-Aydar & Laura Mahalingappa.

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    Eleanor Kane has textbook, "What is Language?A CLIL Course for Learners of English", which provides 15 scaffolded units progressing from lower order to higher order thinking skills.

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    Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo co-authored an article in the International Journal of Educational Research titled "Academic success in English Medium Instruction programmes in Turkey: Exploring the effect of gender, motivation, and English Language proficiency".

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    ICLHE East Asia leadership team member, Howard Brown, recently published a paper on employment trends in EMI programs in Japan.

  • Events, Calls & Programs

    ICLHE Conference 2025

    • The ICLHE Conference 2025 will take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
    • Dates: 24th to 27th September 2025
    • Theme: EMInclusion: Integrating Language and Content for Egalitarian Higher Education.
    • For details and registration, visit the event website here

    The conference will focus on the complexities of EMI/OLMI (Other Languages as a Medium of Instruction ) and welcomes contributions that incorporate other languages to enrich discussions about ensuring equitable participation in HE. By bringing educators, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders together, the conference seeks to promote meaningful conversations and collaborations that go beyond linguistic/content boundaries.



    The J-CLIL association has various events upcoming in 2025.

    Find the full list here:  More details

    CLIL & EMI Training Programs

    • EMI professional development for lecturers, professors, academics and researchers offered by Oxford EMI. More details
    • CLIL courses for Teachers and Administrators offered by Bridge. More details
    • EMI training program for lecturers or teachers in higher education offered by Monash College. More details
  • A Q&A with...

    Interviews with ICLHE practitioners and researchers about their latest work

    We talk to Stephen McNamara of Kwansei Gakuin University about work on CLIL

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    interview by Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo

    Watch the video interview here


    Stephen McNamara is a PhD Candidate at the University of Vienna, where his research focuses on the integration of cognition, discourse, and function, in undergraduate intercultural CLIL syllabi. His research findings have been presented across Japan, as well as in Europe and Asia. Stephen has worked in language-learning contexts in Japan for around twenty years and is currently an instructor of English as a Foreign Language at Kwansei Gakuin University.
    He is also a reviewer for the Asian Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning (Asian CLIL), as well as for The Japan Association of Language Teachers (JALT) PanSIG.

    His publications include:

    • Pilot: cognitive ciscourse functions in interculutral studies lessons. Kwansei Gakuin University Humanities Review (28). (2023)
    • A tale of two syllabi: towards theory driven CLIL. PanSIG Journal. (2022) (with M. Griffiths)
    • Locating content, language, and cognition in a CLIL art history biography activity. The Journal of the Institute of Language and Culture, Konan University. (2021)
  • Program Spotlight

    Special Topics in CLIL Courses

    Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies

    by Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo,

    Kwansei Gakuin University


    Special Topics CLIL courses are part of an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program offered by the Department of Policy Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan. Unlike the usual EAP courses in this department, the Special Topics courses do not follow a strictly coordinated curriculum. It is the instructor's responsibility to select an appropriate course topic, define clear goals and objectives, design the curriculum, and develop effective materials.

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    Second-year, higher-(language-ability)-stream students are required to take one Special Topics in the spring and one Special Topics in the fall. Most of these courses are taught by full-time instructors, but part-time teachers may also have the opportunity to teach one. The courses are primarily content-based, hard CLIL while integrating and recycling the EAP skills the students have acquired in the core skills courses. Unlike the EAP courses, students are not divided into courses based on their English proficiency. Students are given the option to self-select the special topics course that interest them (based on the course descriptors); those who miss the registration deadline are placed at random. Therefore, these courses are mixed levels (within the higher stream). To meet the needs of a wide range of learners, instructors are encouraged to develop curricula and materials that are flexible enough to accommodate a broad range of abilities. Among the topics covered in CLIL courses are English Translations of Japanese Literature, International Relations, Internalization of Higher Education, and Science of Health and Happiness.

  • Previously Featured Programs

    click on the image to read more

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    September 2022

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    March 2022

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    November 2021

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    October 2020

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    July 2020

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    April 2020


    Leadership Team

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    Mizuka Tsukamoto


    Ryukoko University

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    Yoko Kusumoto

    Associate Professor,

    Tokyo University of Technology

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    Events Leader

    Howard Brown


    University of Niigata Prefecture

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    Newsletter Editor

    Maria Vassileva

    Associate Professor,

    Nagoya University

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    Social Media Coordinator

    Graham Mackenzie

    Project Associate Professor,
    Sophia University

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    Website Coordinator

    Annette Bradford

    Associate, Oxford EMI

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    Community Outreach - Japan

    Keiko Tsuchiya


    Yokohama City University

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    Community Outreach - Vietnam

    Tho Doan Vo


    University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

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    Community Outreach - Thailand

    Banchakarn Sameephet


    Khon Kaen University

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    Community Outreach - Taiwan

    Yun-yin Huang

    Assistant Professor,

    National Tsing-Hua University

  • Connect With Us

    To become a member of the ICLHE Association, click here and visit the association website. Benefits include member-only webinars and events, and access to a worldwide network of ICLHE professionals.

    We, the East Asia Regional Group, publish a newsletter four times a year and send out announcements about our events. If you'd like to receive the newsletter, sign up here:

    To connect with us on a more informal level for discussion and networking via our Facebook group, or to follow us on Twitter or send an email, click on the links below.